Our Commitment to the Environment
BS EN ISO 14001:2015
Manufacturing products which are environmental sustainable is fundamentally important in the modern world and is a key focus of the company through our Environmental management system which is accredited to ISO 14001:2015.
BS EN ISO ISO 9001:2015
Continuous improvement is the business’s highest priority and is driven by our quality management system which is accredited to ISO 9001:2015.
Energy efficiency is a key focus in all our product development. Marstair have a range of refrigeration condensing units (MRC+) on the Carbon Trust Energy Technology List which aims to only include equipment which are in the top 25% most efficient available on the market. These refrigeration condensing units are also suitable for the newly available low global warming potential refrigerants R448A and R449A and have heat recovery alternatives available (GreenHeat). Marstair also have a new range of air conditioning evaporators suitable for use with CO2 refrigerant. These units have been specifically designed to improve the energy efficiency of modern retail outlets by allowing the coordination of the air conditioning and refrigeration systems using CO2 refrigerant giving extensive heat recovery benefits.
Quartz fan coil units are fitted with EC/DC motors as standard which use up to 70% less energy than their AC counterparts. A LoCO2 option is also available which is a low energy, low carbon range that results in an exceptionally energy efficient climate control system.
We use recyclable materials and environmentally friendly packaging and we also separate and recycle all plastic, wood, copper, aluminium, other metals, batteries, cardboard/paper, oil and capacitors to reduce landfill waste.
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